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Restarting linux software raid arrays

I have a server with different sets of RAID1 arrays, across two different sets of disks. The first set of arrays, on the first pair of disks, always starts fine. The second set never starts on boot. I don’t reboot this server very often, so it’s not often a problem, however I figure it’s worth looking into.

For starters, if you have an existing software RAID array that is merely not running, you can assemble it with mdadm like so:

mdadm –assemble /dev/md8 /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdd1

mdadm also has a config file which is referred to in the system boot process, in order to work out where your arrays are. In theory this is all supposed to be self configuring, but I’ve seen enough cases where some arrays don’t start that it looks like using this config file is a recommended step.

You can generate a useful representation of your existing arrays with

mdadm –detail –scan
ARRAY /dev/md1 level=raid1 num-devices=2 UUID=…
ARRAY /dev/md2 level=raid1 num-devices=2 UUID=…
ARRAY /dev/md3 level=raid1 num-devices=2 UUID=…

You can use similar syntax but specifying the specific devices used in each array, instead of the UUID, if you like. In theory, with this information appended to /etc/mdadm.conf, next time I reboot this server it should bring all the RAID devices up for me.

2 replies on “Restarting linux software raid arrays”

I Daniel’s!

I have installed a xensource 4.0 server.
I have attacched a disk array by two qlogic cards,
and build a software raid by mdadm.

I have a little problem….
If I reboot a system, md unit are not loaded….
I’m search a solution, buth search is without result…..



Enrico – I’m not quite sure what you’re trying to acheive there. However, from what I’ve seen software raid isn’t well supported by the xensource release – they really expect you to have a hardware RAID controller.

There is probably more information on how to get software RAID going (albeit without official support) on the xensource forums.

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